
Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Effectiveness of Special Needs Education Program in Malaysia

Salam alaik! Bertemu lagi di pagi yang mulia ini..Saya punya kurang waktu untuk mengemaskini blog ini. Masa yang tidak mengizinkan membuatkan saya melakukan kerja dengan lebih cepat dan waktu malamnya masa untuk merehatkan diri. Namun, saya tetap mengambil kesempatan membaca beberapa artikel yang mengaitkan dengan Pendidikan Khas di Malaysia. Pagi tadi saya terjumpa sebuah artikel yang mengaitkan dengan keberkesanan Pendidikan Khas di Malaysia yang diketuai oleh Prof. Aminah Ayob dari Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Saya ingin berkongsi dengan anda tentang perkara ini. Berikut merupakan objektif penyelidikan ini dihasilkan. Saya telah menyalin kembali tanpa sebarang ubah dari laman: http://www.researchsea.com/html/article.php/aid/846/cid/6/research/effectiveness_of_special_needs_education_program_in_malaysia.html

Effectiveness of Special Needs Education Programs in Malaysia
This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the integration-inclusion programme offered by the Ministry of Education for students with learning difficulties (LD). The ultimate goal is to improve and provide quality education for children with special needs.
The Effectiveness of Integration-Inclusion Special Education Program in Malaysia

Project Leader
Prof. Aminah Ayob
School of Educational Studies, 11800 USM

This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the integration-inclusion programme offered by the Ministry of Education for students with learning difficulties (LD). The ultimate goal is to improve and provide quality education for children with special needs.

There are about 768 special education integration programs in the primary and secondary schools in Malaysia. About 1348 respondents participated in this research.

This research aims to:
(i) evaluate the teaching-learning process
(ii) evaluate the curriculum and Individual Education Program (IEP)
(iii) elicit the school administrators, teachers, and parents’ opinion regarding the effectiveness of the program
(iv) evaluate the learning infrastructures and facilities
(v) analyze the benchmark of an effective program.

The result of this research will help the Special Education Department in their strategic planning to extend and improve the integration-inclusion programs for students with learning difficulties in Malaysia.

insyaallah..saya akan kupas satu persatu tentang kajian yang dilakukan oleh Prof. Aminah ini dan kongsikan bersama anda. Semoga berjumpa lagi pada artikel seterusnya.

~Hidup ini satu anugerah~

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